Christina Ricci may be only 31 but she revealed an old soul when talking to ET’s Mark Steines on the set of her new show Pan Am.

Pan Am is the new ABC show about the stewardesses that once made the now defunct airline the most glamorous way to fly during the ’60s. The time period is one that has interested Ricci since her school girl days.

“I had this class in school called Time Was and the whole year we spent on the ’60s,” said Ricci. “After that I was just obsessed with it.”

Ricci also admitted to harboring a fondness for the fashion in the show, although it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.

“There’s a lot to it,” said Margot Robbie, describing the standard stewardess outfit of that time. “You’ve got the long-line bra … and then you’ve got your girdle and then you’ve got your pantyhose that clips into your girdles and then, on top of that, you’ve got your skirt and your blouse and your jacket.”

“The weigh-ins and the girdles and all of that kind of stuff is a little … there’s a reason why it doesn’t exist today – because of lawsuits and class action suits and things like that,” said Ricci.

Pan Am premieres Sunday, September 25 on ABC.