Welcome to the new version of Confessions of Christina Ricci! I created this new layout about a week and a half ago and finally got around to coding it. If you’re still seeing the old look, please hit refresh on your browser. Those of you who are using 1024×768 or lower may have to hit the F11 key to see the whole layout, but the content part of the site should be easily viewable. 😉 If you encounter any errors, feel free to let me know as well.

I am also re-doing the content on the site, so that’s why the “Christina” and “Projects” sections are blank. Those will be back up (and actually up-to-date! LOL) by the end of the weekend. :cute: I’ve spent all evening and most of tonight working on this layout, so that’s why the content didn’t get transferred over yet.

Alright, I hope you guys enjoy the new look! I’ll be updating again with some photo updates and of course the content will be back as well. Comment and let me know what you think. :upsidedown: