Animated family fare “Alpha and Omega,” about two kidnapped wolves trying to get back their pack, has cast Justin Long and Hayden Panettiere as the two lupine lead voices, with Christina Ricci, Danny Glover, Dennis Hopper and Larry Miller also set.

Pic is directed by Anthony Bell (“The Boondocks”) and Ben Gluck (“Brother Bear 2”) from a screenplay by Chris Denk based on a story by Steve Moore (co-creator of “Open Season”).

“Alpha” marks first team-up of Lionsgate and Crest Animation Productions for multi-picture deal.

Production is under way in Los Angeles; key animation will be created at Crest’s India-based studio with a debut anticipated for 2010. Lionsgate will handle North America and Blighty, Mandate Intl. will be selling most overseas rights at Cannes film fest.

From Variety