According to this thread on our forums, the release date for Black Snake Moan has been pushed back from September 2006 to February 16, 2007. Home Of The Brave has a release date set for December 15, 2006 and it is slated for just a limited release. Penelope is still set for a New York Film Festival premiere on November 24, 2006. The White Rose is still in production and no real release is set for the film.

Site wise, I am still without stable internet. I am working on a proper update for this site and hope to have one by next week. I know it sucks that I’m not updating here frequently, but the supposed “WiFi” where I am staying never works. :laughing: The forums are active and some amazing members are over there posting Ricci news as it happens. :wassat: Thanks for being so patient with me! 😉