Unity Studios (Unity) announced the production of “War Flowers,” its first feature length film. The Civil War-era family drama, produced and financed by Unity and directed by veteran filmmaker Serge Rodnunsky is being filmed on the studios’ sound stages and at select off-site locations around southeast Michigan. “War Flowers” all-star cast was partially packaged by ICM and includes Christina Ricci (The Addams Family, Penelope), Jason Gedrick (Backdraft), Tom Berenger (Platoon, Major League) and introducing Gabrielle Popa.

“When I founded Unity Studios and the Lifton Institute for Media Skills (LIMS) my goal was two-fold: to bring a new industry to my home state and to put people to work,” said Unity Studios president Jimmy Lifton. “This movie is the embodiment of those goals because it is being crafted entirely in Michigan, and 55 LIMS’ graduates have been hired to put the skills they’ve learned to use as members of the crew.”

“War Flowers,” features a heartfelt family-focused storyline about Sarabeth (Ricci), a young mother whose husband has left her and her daughter to fight for the South in the Civil War. It follows the havoc and hardships the war creates for Sarabeth and her daughter, and explores their hopes, faith and belief that the man they love will return. All the while, they must decide the fate of a Yankee soldier (Gedrick) who enters their life. The movie also features impressive battle sequences and Civil War re-enactments.

The project, produced by Lifton, is in collaboration with Trivision Pictures and Interlight Entertainment. Distribution demand for “War Flowers” has fast tracked delivery in time for the Fall Markets.

Unity Studios and LIMS recently announced that more than half of the LIMS inaugural class, which began in October 2009, reported finding work on at least one film, TV or music video production within 90 days of their January 2010 graduation. LIMS’ second class graduated on June 21 and its third class begins this August.

From Unity