Maintained by Jennifer
Launched on May 2003
Contact the owner via mail
On socials at
Nov 2009
Welcome to the brand new version of Confessions of Christina Ricci! I have spent the past two days behind the scenes working on coding this layout and making sure that it looked good in Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer… If you encounter any errors with anything, please let me know and I will work to fix it!
I have also re-did the site affiliates page and there is a new way to apply for affiliation… So if you have a high quality fan site, feel free to check that out! I did go through and delete the affiliates that were either dead links, not linking back to this website, or have gone without updates for more than 6 months. If you feel that I have removed with on accident, please re-apply. 😉
Anyway… I hope that you all enjoy this new theme, please comment with your thoughts in the “comments” section of this post! :biggrin:

Maintained by Jennifer
Launched on May 2003
Contact the owner via mail
On socials at